Cris and Alaina mother daughter duo

A Mother-Daughter Duo

A mother-daughter team developing songs and stories to bring joy, comfort, and courage to followers of Christ. 

A spontaneous partnership arose between mother and daughter when our church put out a call for more music from its members in 2018. After we both decided to take on the endeavor, we worked tireless hours to ensure each other’s songs were top notch. At the end, we came to realize that neither of us wanted to create something without the other’s stamp of approval, and so, we have remained creative partners.

alaina larsen portrait

Alaina Larsen

Songwriter • Author • Filmmaker • Coach

I was first inspired to write music when my church invited members to submit music for new hymns and children’s songs. Having quit piano at age 12, and over time abandoning even the singing I’d done as a youth, it didn’t occur to me to submit anything until my Mom (the real songwriter in my mind) extended this loving invitation — “Well, why don’t you write a song? It’s not that hard, all you need is a simple melody and some lyrics!” Though that seemed preposterous at the time, I ended up submitting several songs and have continued to write music as well as rhyming text for several children’s books — a talent I never would have known had I not had a mother who first believed in me.

I also give credit to my amazing husband, who has forever been my biggest supporter, and to my children, who have given me experiences and context into really living the gospel of Jesus Christ. And of course to my Savior, who is the real author of all of my works — for He is the source of every good thing and every good gift that is given.

cris conerty portrait

Cris Conerty

Singer • Songwriter • Arranger  • Author

It all started at age 5 with the Christmas gift of the  toy piano from my parents.  Many years of piano-playing, a variety of random college courses, sporadic voice lessons, various arranging classes and self-study, and a good amount of performance experience has gotten me to where I am today.  I have met so many beautiful people on my musical journey. I have sung wonderful music with various bands, choirs, quartets, and choruses. I have always found a way to make music, and let my heart sing. 

Composing and arranging music for the Christian church setting is one of my favorite things to do, and collaborating with my daughter in this endeavor is a priceless blessing.  

I am the mother of five, and grandmother to ten.  My husband and I moved to Utah in July 2023 to live near grandchildren and also so I could be closer to my creative partner.  I am so grateful to have the opportunity to express my love for the Savior  through music and other creative works.